Looking for ways to reduce your plastic consumption in 2025? The beginning of a new year is a wonderful opportunity to make a few positive changes in how we live our lives. It can feel daunting to tackle an item that is so pervasive in our lives. So, start slow…one week at a time. Be sure to print the list for easy reference! By the end of this new year, we can guarantee that you will have made significant progress in removing plastic from your life.
1. Use cloth shopping bags whenever you shop. Keep them by the door and one in the car for those unexpected stops.
2. Use a glass or metal bottle to carry your favorite beverage.
3. If you eat lunch at your desk, keep your own reusable plate, bowl, glass and utensils at the office.
4. Try bar shampoos, lotions and soaps without packaging instead of liquid products that come in a plastic bottle.
5. Use a reusable produce bag instead of the plastic ones at the store.
6. Bring your own mug to coffee shops to avoid the plastic lid and linings on to-go cups.
7. Swap plastic wrap for a reusable wrap made from beeswax or cotton. Or simply store your food in glass storage containers.
8. Decline getting a receipt whenever possible. Many are coated in a thin layer of plastic and often contain BPA.
9. Cut down on excess packaging by buying grains, nuts, legumes, baking ingredients, cereals and more in bulk using your own containers.
10. When ordering pizza, say no to the little plastic “table” in the middle of the pizza box.
11. Use a razor with replaceable blades instead of disposables.
12. Say “no” to plastic straws, even in restaurants. If you prefer to use a straw, purchase a reusable stainless steel or glass straw and carry it with you.
13. Make fresh-squeezed juice or eat fruit instead of buying juice in plastic bottles.
14. Use cotton cloths for washing dishes instead of synthetic sponges.
15. Use a handkerchief instead of tissues packaged in plastic.
16. If you have a sweeper-mop that uses disposable cleaning pads, use reusable pads made from cloth instead.
17. Bring a reusable food storage container to restaurants for leftovers.
18. Use reusable coffee pods that you fill with ground coffee.
19. Use a countertop compost bin for food scraps to minimize garbage bag use.
20. Use cotton swabs with paper rods instead of plastic.
21. Help reduce your baby’s carbon footprint by using cloth diapers instead of disposables.
22. Use vinegar (from a glass bottle) and water for cleaning. Use baking soda that comes in a cardboard box for scrubbing.
23. Pack your lunch in reusable containers and bags.
24. Buy fresh fruits and veggies and bulk items instead of products that come single-serve.
25. Shop at your local farmers’ market and bring your own bags and containers.
26. Use matches instead of a disposable plastic lighter or invest in a refillable metal lighter.
27. Avoid buying frozen foods because their packaging is mostly plastic. Even those that appear to be packaged in cardboard are coated in a thin layer of plastic.
28. Enjoy ice cream in a cone, not a plastic cup.
29. Buy condiments such as ketchup, mustard and salad dressing in glass jars instead of plastic bottles.
30. Give your child wood or cloth toys rather than plastic.
31. Choose toilet paper that is not wrapped in plastic.
32. Purchase laundry detergent in boxes rather than plastic bottles.
33. Don’t buy beverages bottled in plastic. Choose glass instead.
34. Use cloth rags for clean up around the house instead of paper towels. They aren’t plastic but they are very wasteful.
35. Ask that your cheese and meat from the deli be placed in your own containers.
36. Do not use plastic cutting boards. Use wood instead which is naturally antibacterial.
37. Use baby bottles made of glass. Use stainless steel sippy cups for kids.
38. Use an old-fashioned steel lunchbox or reusable cloth bag to carry your lunch to work or school.
39. Use powdered dishwasher detergent in a cardboard box.
40. Bring your own beverage container to parties and events.
41. Avoid disposable plastic pens.
42. Repair things when they break rather than buying new.
43. Avoid buying new CDs and DVDs. Stream or buy used instead.
44. Make your own cleaning products from natural ingredients and eliminate the need for multiple plastic bottles of cleaner.
45. Use packing peanuts made from starch instead of Styrofoam.
46. Request zero plastic packaging when ordering online – OR send the packaging back with a letter of explanation.
47. When ordering food for delivery, tell the restaurant you don’t need plastic cutlery.
48. Line your garbage bins with paper bags instead of buying plastic trash bags.
49. As plastic items already in your house wear out or break, replace them with plastic-free alternatives.
50. Use real plates and silverware for parties instead of disposables.
51. Avoid non-stick cookware. Most of it is coated with toxic materials.
52. To avoid having to purchase new items, take care of what you already have.
