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Mary Haucke
May 11, 20223 min read
Secrets of a Lifelong Composter
I started composting early in my life in the '50s at my family's Wauwatosa home. Both my parents, John and Elva Hetzel, taught me the...

Kitty Pityer
Apr 6, 20223 min read
Earth Day - Then and Now
In sharp contrast to the conservative consumption practices of most Americans dictated by the Great Depression and World War II, the...

Tori Marshall
Feb 5, 20224 min read
5 Ideas For A Low Waste Valentine's Day: Couples
Valentine's Day is almost here, and if you and your significant other celebrate, it can be both exciting and stressful! Add on the...

Tori Marshall
Jan 31, 20228 min read
An Honest Look At Going Plastic-Free in Viroqua (On A Budget): January
Going plastic-free can seem a daunting task. Where do I start? Do I need to buy a ton of metal replacements for what I already have? How...

Tori Marshall
Oct 3, 20212 min read
October Giveaway! Give Plastic the BoOoOoot!
Happy October! It's a beautiful month in the Driftless, what with the leaves turning color, the pumpkin patches open, and a lovely crisp...

Tori Marshall
Sep 10, 20215 min read
How Gardening Can Help Save the Planet
There's nothing like a garden fresh tomato, am I right? Eating something so fresh, warmed by the sun, grown by your own hands, with...
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Tori Marshall
Jul 7, 20211 min read
It's A Plastic Free July Giveaway!
Happy Plastic Free July! (Is that a thing people say? We're making that a thing.) Are you familiar with the Plastic Free July challenge?...

Tori Marshall
Jul 2, 20215 min read
16 Low Waste Toddler Activities for Summer
Ah, summer. Warm air, flowers blooming, friendly chats with neighbors, farmer's markets, toddlers screaming. Oh, was that last part not...

Tori Marshall
May 14, 20213 min read
Making Scrap Broth
One tip you'll hear over and over from zero waste and plastic-free proponents is to make things yourself rather than buying them in...

Kitty Pityer
Mar 12, 20213 min read
The High Cost of Convenience
A Life magazine article dated August 1, 1955 included a photo depicting a family surrounded by a wide variety of items suspended in air...

Tori Marshall
Feb 5, 20212 min read
Low Waste Valentine's Day Finger Paints
I'm always looking for good crafts to keep my toddler busy. But too often, whatever craft I've chosen brings a lot of plastic waste with...
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